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  • Safety Related Standards for Painting Operations in China (1)
  • 2018/6/21 Reading frequency:[3158]
  • 1. Preface

    Painting is the basic technical means used for product surface protection and decoration, and the painting operation covers various departments of the national economy. At present, the malignant development trend of painting hazards in China has been curbed, but occupational hazards are still severe, fire accidents are very serious, and environmental pollution is serious. Painting technology has made significant progress, but there is still a considerable proportion of outdated processes; There has been significant progress in protective engineering technology, but the overall safety level urgently needs to be improved. The occupational hazards of painting should be highly valued by relevant departments, and necessary measures should be taken to pay attention to them.

    Since the 1980s, China has initiated the standardization of painting safety. The standards that have been issued include: GB/T14441 Terminology, GB7691 Labor Safety and Health Management (revised and under approval), GB7692 Safety and Ventilation Purification of Painting Pretreatment Processes (revised and merged with GB7692 and 7693), GB6514 Safety and Ventilation Purification of Painting Processes (revised and merged with GB6514 and 6515), GB12367 Safety of Electrostatic Painting Processes, There are 11 standards, including GB15607 "Safety of Powder Electrostatic Spraying Process", GB17750 "Safety of Paint Immersion Process", GB14444 "Safety Technical Regulations for Painting Room", GB14443 "Safety Technical Regulations for Coating Drying Room", GB14773 "Safety Technical Conditions for Electrostatic Spray Guns and Auxiliary Devices", GB12942 "Safety Technical Requirements for Limited Space Operations". The basic points of the standard system are summarized as follows.

    2. Restriction and elimination of coating products and processes that seriously endanger people's safety and health

    !!Actively promoting coatings and painting processes that are beneficial to human safety and health;

    !!Prohibit the use of coatings, diluents, and solvents containing benzene; Prohibit the use of paint containing lead white; Restricting the use of coatings containing red lead; It is prohibited to use shop primers containing benzene, mercury, arsenic, lead, cadmium, antimony and chromate;

    !!The use of benzene in pre-treatment processes is strictly prohibited; Prohibit the use of flame method to remove old paint; Prohibit the use of toluene, xylene, and gasoline in large-scale degreasing and old paint removal; Strictly restrict the use of dry sandblasting for rust removal. When revising GB7691, the scope of restrictions and elimination will be further increased and expanded:

    !!Raise the ban on paint containing lead white to a strictly prohibited use; Raise the limit of dry sandblasting for rust removal to prohibition of use; Add restrictions on the use of cleaning fluids containing dichloroethane; Limit the use of cleaning solutions containing chromate;

    3. Implement chemical management for coatings, metal cleaning fluids, and chemical treatments

    !!The chemicals used in painting operations are managed under the International Labour Organization's 1990 Chemical Convention.

    !!Production units of coatings and related chemicals should register and evaluate the hazards of chemicals.

    !!Coatings and related chemicals must provide compliant labels, packaging, and safety technical manuals.

    !!All economic departments involved in production, operation, transportation, storage, and use must comply with relevant regulations.

    !!Imported coatings and related chemicals must provide a Chinese safety technical manual and be labeled in Chinese.

    4. Reasonable selection and layout of process routes

    !!Choose coating processes and coatings that are conducive to human safety and health.

    !!Properly arrange the process route and adopt necessary isolation and spacing facilities.

    !!The paint booth cannot be used alternately for painting and drying, unless specific conditions are met.

    !!The leveling area and paint drip area must have local ventilation and paint drip collection devices.

    5. Engineering design must comply with safety, hygiene, fire protection, and environmental requirements

    !!The workshop layout should not endanger the environment or other production operations.

    !!The painting workplace should be arranged on the top floor or side span.

    !!Determine the fire classification based on the flash point of the coating used, and comply with relevant regulations on fire resistance rating, fire separation, fire separation, factory explosion prevention, and safe evacuation.

    !!The selection of building structures, components, and materials should meet the requirements of fire and explosion prevention.

    6. Reasonably divide and control hazardous areas separately

    !!Extremely hazardous areas. Paint areas or pre-treatment areas with hazardous amounts of flammable and combustible vapors, paint mist, dust, and accumulated combustible residues should be classified as extremely hazardous areas. Generally, electrical equipment is not arranged, and if necessary, electrical explosion-proof measures should be strictly controlled.

    !!Highly hazardous areas. Electrical explosion-proof areas where explosive vapors, paint mist, dust, and other mixtures may occur (including only short-term presence) should be classified as highly hazardous areas and electrical sparks should be strictly controlled.

    !!Moderately hazardous areas. Fire hazard areas prone to combustion shall be classified as medium hazard areas, and the inventory of combustibles and hazard that may cause open fire shall be strictly controlled.

    !!Mildly hazardous areas. Factories or designated spaces that are prone to combustion and specifically designed for painting operations should be designated as lightly hazardous areas, and all open flames and foreign flames should be prohibited from entering.

    7. Focus on Electrical safety

    !!Strictly divide the electrical explosion-proof level and regional scope. The selection, design, installation, and acceptance of electrical systems must comply with the designated level range and specifications. The electrical system must include all related facilities such as equipment, wiring and their connections, fasteners, brackets, and light brackets, and no exceptions are allowed to ensure overall electrical safety.

    !!Correctly implement grounding and anti-static grounding.

    !!Take corresponding lightning protection measures.

    8. Ventilation and protection technical measures must be taken

    !!Local ventilation should be the main method, supplemented by comprehensive ventilation.

    !!Personnel operating areas must use reasonable methods (such as wind speed, airflow organization, exhaust methods, suppression techniques, etc.) to ensure that the ventilation system achieves the goal of protecting personnel health.

    !!For ventilated enclosed spaces, reasonable methods (such as concentration calculation, temperature control, pressure relief, and prevention of paint scale deposition) must be selected to ensure that the ventilation system achieves the goal of ensuring safety.

    !!Reasonably select and arrange fans, pipelines, and their connections and fixation, and take necessary measures such as concentration detection, temperature control, electrical grounding, etc. to ensure that the ventilation system is in a safe, stable, and economical operation state.